
Modernize Notice Provisions of Contracts for eSignatures and Email Legal Notices

December 06, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

As you begin to transact more business electronically, consider the often boilerplate notice provision that you are using in your contracts.  For every contract that you electronic signature, there may be many contract notices that you must deliver (pricing, terms, quantity, product delivery, specification, addendum, breach notices and changes).

How to Deliver E-Certificates Securely for Sender & Recipient

September 04, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

There is set of RPost services that when combined, provide for an elegant and secure way of transmitting electronic insurance certificates, electronic titles (real estate, land, auto titles), permits, regulator issued licenses, and university transcripts while ensuring:

What is Local Time? Time Zone Determination on Registered Email™ receipts

September 04, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

We often receive inquiries as to how the ‘local time’ is pegged to a user’s time zone when a sender may be logging in from different computers in different time zones.

Metadata Cleaning Tools from Payne Group Compatible with RPost Office for Outlook

September 04, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

RPost and Payne Group have collaborated to permit leading metadata removal capabilities for users who send Registered Email™ messages, encrypted email, or contracts for signature.

Reduce Paperwork and Other Costs While Speeding Deal Closing Time

September 04, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Factoring and commercial finance firms worldwide are gaining an edge by going paperless, but not without first managing the risks of standard email.