Registered Encrypted Email for Privacy and Compliance
Send encrypted email and receive a Registered Receipt™ email record that serves as audit-ready proof of delivery, content, and timestamp, plus GDPR and HIPAA privacy compliance.
Registered Email™ service with encryption automatically delivers email uniquely to each recipient, creating the simplest user experience for the recipient while also returning auditable proof of privacy and compliance to the sender — going far beyond basic TLS and link-retrieval systems. It includes different levels of encryption to allow recipients to restrict access inside their organizations.
Dynamically simplifies the sender and receiver experience.
Customers with Microsoft email such as Office 365 E3 or E5 choose Registered Email™ encryption for its elegant user experience, especially for the recipient , and for its proof of privacy compliance, e-delivery proof, and tracking record.
- Other encryption services require the recipient to click links, register, and log in to retrieve the encrypted email. This raises the rate of unopened mail. RMail delivers directly to the recipient inbox without registration or download requirements.
- Some services try to use S/MIME to encrypt email. This requires them to prearrange purchase or/sharing of encryption keys with every recipient, or each recipient must have a compatible email program, or both senders and recipients must keep changing keys as old keys expire. In addition, all recipients must be sophisticated enough to navigate this system, resulting in frustration and the sending of unencrypted email. By contrast, Registered Email™ delivers directly to the recipient inbox without program requirements or the need for recipient key sharing, registration or download.
Ensures all secure messages sent have adequate levels of privacy; sends email with enforced security.
Selected minimum TLS (i.e. TLS 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2) and, if minimum cannot be met, enforce security with automatic alternate transmission method. Alternate method is also easy; requires no recipient log-ins or retrieval links, delivers directly to recipient inbox, and automatically manages passwords.
Features an automatic option for recipients to reply securely, reply with large files attached.
The reply message and its attachments transmit back to the sender encrypted, regardless of the receiver’s system and without recipient log-ins.
Recipient is aware of a secure message and sender is returned audit-ready compliance record.
Marks email so the recipient knows the sender protected the content; and returns to the sender delivery and open tracking visibility, with audit-ready proof of compliance per message to meet GDPR Article 5 and Article 31 compliance.
Automated content rules simplify compliance for user and admins.
- Senders can encrypt email on mobile devices by adding a symbol to the subject. Admins can create rules to automatically encrypt messages based on content with the RMail security gateway, RMail Recommends, and offerings.
Dynamically varies encryption methods by message importance.
Users can toggle between messages. Admins can set rules to treat messages with different types of encryption; secure transmission for some and message-level encryption for others. For example, messages with keywords such as “wire transfer” or “attorney-client privilege” can automatically be sent message-level encrypted so the content remains encrypted through the recipient servers and while in the recipient inbox when not being viewed by the recipient.
Registered Encryption™ technology is RPost patented.
Contact our integration team to learn more about how you can add Registered Email™, RMail, and RSign services to your workflows.