Whaling is Flourishing, A $5 Billion Hacker Lottery Harpooning whales is (in most of the world) a thing of the past. This is good for the kind-hearted. But in the cyber world, harpooning “whales” is a thriving and fantastically profitable criminal profession.
Recent reports of the amazing eavesdropping power and home control Amazon’s Alexa has (similar to other voice-assistances) should not surprise. Its inherent in how these virtual assistants work.
Today’s Fake News will be “Quaint” by 2020 Turning the power of connectivity against itself, fake Facebook and other social media accounts were able to spew propaganda to millions of targeted individuals who were specifically identified by the capturing of personal data from Facebook apps and Google analytics. Who was responsible? We won’t get involved […]
Is “Security by Obscurity” An Obsolete Concept? The term “security by obscurity” has been around for a long time. Traditionally, this has referred to the idea that the best way to keep a system safe is to keep its design (and any potential vulnerabilities) a secret. To many, “security by obscurity” has also represented the […]
What is Your Mood Worth? Why all of the hype around Facebook privacy revelations? After all, the purpose of Facebook is to share your information (albeit, among your closest friends).
March 07, 2025
February 28, 2025
February 25, 2025
February 21, 2025
February 13, 2025