Data Exfiltration

How RPost’s Raptor™ AI Security Un-Leaks Military Secrets & Neutralizes Cyber Threats Even at Third Parties

March 21, 2025 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

From Chicken-and-Egg to Jets: The High Cost of Leaks.

Armand here, RPost’s armadillo product evangelist. While briefing the Pentagon this week in Washington, D.C. on how to use RPost’s Raptor™ AI agent to counter insider threats, leaks, and third-party risks, the question came up about the ultimate cost of leaks.

Counter Insider Threats, Leaks, and Cybercriminal Eavesdropping Tactics

December 27, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

$100+ million IT budget, still a breach. Why?

Armand here, RPost’s product evangelist armadillo. I’ve been chatting with various CIOs and business owners of large and small firms. One question keeps arising. CIOs wonder why (and of course how) they and/or their peers are still being breached with all their current security.