Business Email Compromise

How to Get Prompts in Microsoft Outlook to Double Check Recipient Addresses

February 21, 2022 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

RMail’s RSecurity E-Security Suite Stops Whaling, BEC Attacks Before They Happen Seeing as it’s Friday, I thought I’d ask which of the following “facts” are actually common misconceptions: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star was composed by Mozart. Vikings wore horns on their helmets. Canada is north of the United States. A toilet’s flush will change direction […]

Send Encrypted Email Specially to Protect Against Wire Fraud

February 14, 2022 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Will You Fall in Love with RSecurity? Last week, we touched on the emerging energy source of ‘hot plasma’ and how this could be a game-changer in providing clean energy with minimal environmental damage. Put succinctly, hot plasma could bring a world of free and limitless energy and render obsolete fossil fuels and certain types […]

RSecurity Solves the Three Main Challenges Not Addressed by Traditional Email Perimeter and Gateway Security Services

February 07, 2022 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

“Hot Plasma” is the Latest in E-Security Before I begin telling you about the most sophisticated new cyberthreat your organization will face in 2022 — which by the way has a very dull name — I thought I’d at least try and open with something that is more uplifting: Hot Plasma to Re-Invent E-Security (Environmental […]