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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping Ingram Micro’s IT providers across Mexico modernize operations with the elegance they have come to expect in their IT solutions.

And we’ve been with them since 2020

RMail & RSign. For Cloud Marketplaces. Security & Business Applications

Financial Services, Health Care, Legal, Insurance, and more.
Small and mid-sized businesses.
RMail and Rsign

Primary Use

RSign® provides simple to use and secure electronic signature services. Registered Encryption™ to automate email encryption for privacy compliance and regulatory audit requirements. Registered Email™ certified email proof of delivery provides risk mitigation and audit-ready records of disclosure e-delivery and privacy compliance.

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RSign has been great for us because they have a very flexible offer. Some of the competition out there have very rigid offers and plans.

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Darryl Oliver

Cloud Portfolio Manager, Ingram Micro

Main Benefit

The Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace for Mexico is enabling its IT providers everywhere to bring RPost’s feature rich, elegantly designed, and more affordable RSign eSignatures and RMail e-security to clients.

Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace IT providers in Mexico report the main benefits of RMail and RSign services as:

1. Assurance of privacy compliance with email encryption simple enough that people enjoy using it. RMail® email encryption is so easy, especially for the recipient, that it encourages use and thereby reduces risk of data breaches or privacy enforcement actions. Not all encryption services are the same; others are too burdensome and, as a result, are little used and therefore increase risk (from non-use or circumvention of use). With today’s more sophisticated privacy regulations, and hacker tactics, encryption is essential. RMail makes it easy, enjoyable, automated.

2. Cost savings with less paper, mail, postage, and administrative time. RMail® Registered Email™ and RSign® eSignature services replace printing, postage (first class, receipt, and certified mail), scanning, faxing, administrative work and other hard costs. Businesses can send required notices with proof of content delivered and timestamped. Users can easily send agreements for recipient electronic signoff or easily eSign documents that they receive, thus saving wasted time, cost, and other drains on your business.

3. Peace of mind, end-user visibility of successful delivery for important messages, with proof. RMail® Registered Email™ services makes delivery and open tracking visible to the sender, providing assurance and peace of mind that important email was successfully delivered. This is returned in the self-authenticating Registered Receipt™ e-record, making it easy to resolve disputes – as easy as forwarding this receipt to any questioning party. The receipt is a self-contained forensic record, eliminating the need to scour server logs to try to investigate and present delivery evidence.

4. More security reduces risks. More security automation simplifies life for IT staff. RMail makes security automation services easy and automated, reducing risk. RMail Gateway™ automates encryption based on message content. RMail encryption automatically detects the simplest, most secure method of transmission, and dynamically adjusts for the best recipient experience. RMail Anti-Whaling™ automatically alerts staff when email senders pose as executives, attempting to trick staff into exposing sensitive data, or worse, paying fake invoices and sending the email impostor money.

5. Enterprise Grade and Affordable. RSign is affordable and maximizes cost and time savings. RSign provides all the enterprise-grade features in an easy-to-afford offering, making it cost effective to convert almost any document to eSignatures, digital forms, and modernized workflows. Businesses enjoy more cost savings with less paper, mail, postage, administrative time, and a low electronic signature service cost. Unlike other providers, RSign also offers automatic renewals with fixed rates that do not increase annually.


Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace IT providers use RMail and RSign services to support client business, automating email encryption based on message content, using RMail Gateway. This makes it easy and automated for staff to send encrypted email for privacy compliance and e-security, plus returns proof of privacy and e-delivery compliance. RMail Gateway is an automated system that detects and delivers email encrypted to reach recipient in a format that is the easiest for each recipient to open. For each message sent, a Registered Receipt email record is automatically returned providing proof of e-delivery compliance and privacy compliance. Ingram Micro automates eSignatures for its clients with RSign Online. Each message sent for e-signature automatically manages the eSign and form fill process, returning certified electronic signature records.

Ingram Micro is the world’s largest technology distributor, and the Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace is one of the largest IT service provider network in Mexico.

We Try Harder RMail Suzie

At RPost, we simply can’t afford to make you enter a support queue. Or upcharge for each feature. Or not be the most affordable. Or not continuously innovate so that we can always be the most feature-rich while easy to use. We can’t be anything less than the best e-sign and e-security product with the best people and service to support you.

Obviously, the thing we try hardest at is just to be there for you. To start you out right with new services that are easy to use, work well and have the features you need now (and will need in the future). We will give you the training and attention your team needs from a support staff that makes us proud every day.

Why do we do this? Because we’ve learned over the last 20 years in this business that our customers are counting on us every day. Because we live and breathe security and process optimization. Because we can’t afford to take you for granted. We try harder to ensure your success.

We're here for you. Contact us today.

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Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.