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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping property managers optimize utilization, boosting profitability and cutting paper, time, cost and risk.

And we’ve been doing it with them since 2005.

eSignature & E-Mail Security for Property Managers and Self Storage

RMail RSign
eSignatures: Main Uses
Electronic signature to fill and sign tenant agreements, to record consent to receive notices by email to a particular address, or to update master service agreements and contract notification provisions.
Email Security: Main Uses
Returning an authentication record of electronic notice authorship, timestamped successful delivery, and content delivered.
Popular Features
Registered Email™ e-delivery proof with encryption. RSign eSignature with templates and API.
Industry Accolades

Endorsed or identified as a top choice for legal proof of email delivery by the Self Storage Legal Network and more than 20 bar/law associations including regulatory bars such as The Florida Bar. Selected top choice for legal e-delivery proof in the Jeffer Mangels Butler Mitchell LLP authored Converting Legal & Contract Notices from Paper to Electronic Delivery – The Corporate Council Guide, and for privacy compliance by the London-based Association of Professional Compliance Consultants. RPost was winner of the World Mail Award for Best in Security and has been consistently recognized by leading tech analysts, Gartner and Forrester.

Watch full video of Carlos Kaslow discuss Registered Email™ e-delivery proof at Optimize! Self Storage.

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I think RMail is a better alternative [to certified mail]. It’s never a mistake in my mind to send out a lien notice by RPost Registered Email service as and its absolutely required by statute that you have this receipt or other proof of delivery. The nice thing about the RPost receipt is its automated…and legally the nice thing about it is that you have independent third party verification of the delivery…you’ve got this third party who is not involved in your dispute who can attest to the delivery. It really is a great way to be sending things because of the independent third-party proof.

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Carlos Kaslow

Carlos Kaslow

Lawyer, Self Storage Legal Network

Features & Benefits

Registered Email™ Service Replaces Certified Mail and Receipt Mail

  • Send E-Certified Legal Notices, Demand Letters, Pre-lien Notices, and Lien Notices for Self Storage Auctions, and more
  • Prove E-Delivery under UCC Article 9, FPB Notice Rules, and Other Rules and Regulations
  • Serve Documents by Email with Legal E-Delivery Proof
  • Modernize Contract Notice Provisions
  • Update Pricing and Terms with Legal E-Delivery Proof
  • Send Receivables, Invoices, Renewal Notices, and Pre-Eviction Notices with Legal E-Delivery Proof
  • Send Policies, Agreements, Terminations, Tenant Warnings with Legal E-Delivery Proof of Waivers, Riders, and Disclosures.

eSign with RSign for In-Store and Remote Form Fill and eSigning of Tenant Contracts

The Power of Proof

When tenant deadlines need to be met or when disputes arise concerning “who said what when,” proof matters. Property manager and self storage operators all sizes use RMail for business-critical communication with tenants and their representatives — knowing that RMail provides all the proof they need. With RMail’s Registered Receipt™ email record, you’ll get certified evidence of compliance with every RMail message you send, proving delivery, time of delivery, and exact message content. RMail complies with privacy rules governing transport of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), while cutting costs and improving client satisfaction. The Registered Receipt™ record provides court-admissible evidence of delivery and is considered an acceptable form of notice as defined by regulators.

Know More:

Electronic Signature

Email Encryption

Watch full video of Casey Evans discuss Registered Email™ e-delivery proof at Optimize!2020.

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Using the Registered Email™ service has been a complete game changer for us. They open it, we know they got it. It’s quick, and it’s easy. It’s been wonderful.

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Casey Evans

Casey Evans

Manager, Watkinsville Storage

Peer Reviews

Watch full video of Derek Bergeon discuss RSign eSignature for tenant contracts at Optimize! Self Storage.

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We’ve been very happy with our partnership with RPost RSign and we look forward to continuing that partnership here in the future as we’re tackling a very important part of the business that has become a lot more important here over the last 7 or 8 months.

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Derek Bergeon

Derek Bergeon

SVP of Operations, National Storage Affiliates iStorage and SecureCare Self Storage

“On the occasions when there are issues with customers claiming non-receipt, all legal has to do is make one phone call to the automation center where they can easily track down the RMail verification in seconds.”

  • Jeff O’Donnell, CIO, Life Storage

“We had a customer who threatened a lawsuit because he swore he never received a lien notice. Because of RPost’s Registered Receipt™, we were easily able to show him not only did we send it, but also, that it was successfully delivered and that he’d opened it. He quickly withdrew his legal threats of action.”

  • Joe Delgado, Burlington Self-Storage

“Cost savings is the biggest benefit, but we also benefit from the simplicity of sending RMail Registered Email messages and the absoluteness of proof of delivery.”

  • Jim Mooney Jr., VP – Operations,Devon Self Storage

Requirements: Legal & Compliance

RMail® Registered Email™ e-delivery proof meets the ESIGN, UETA, eIDAS, PEC, ETSI Registered Electronic Mail Standard, BSI Standard BS 10008:2014 Evidential Weight and Legal Admissibility, and other legal e-delivery standards internationally. For Self Storage operators in the United States, RMail® Registered Email™ e-delivery proof has been approved for lien notices functionally equivalent to certified mail and as a certified mail replacement. RMail email encryption provides simple to use and automated privacy compliance for HIPAA, GDPR, and other state and country regulations protecting personal private information, returning auditable proof of privacy compliance in the form of a Registered Receipt™ email record for each message sent.

Locke Lord Bissell and Liddell LLP published a detailed legal analysis (available from RPost upon request) that maps the Registered Email™ technology to electronic commerce law and opines that the Registered Email technology satisfies seven key legal principles important to yield a legally valid and court admissible piece of evidence that has high evidential weight. In brief, the legal analysis opines that the Registered Email technology:

  • DELIVERY PROOF : Provides a record of sending and receiving in accordance with the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) by recording the recipient’s server’s receipt;
  • CONTENT PROOF : Uses cryptographic techniques to mathematically associate and preserve as tamper-detectable the contents of email and their attachments so as to satisfy process requirements designed under UETA, the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN), and in evidence law to establish evidence of content;
  • OFFICIAL TIME STAMP : Links to a trusted and objective time source providing essential and credible evidence in disputes in which the time an email was sent or received is material to the case;
  • ADMISSIBLE EVIDENCE : Produces records that are court-admissible as to their fact of delivery, as to their legal time of delivery and as to authenticity of content;
  • FUNCTIONAL EQUIVALENCE : Serves, under the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) and the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN), as the functional equivalent of paper mail, to be used in lieu of certified mail, registered mail, return receipt mail, private express mail services and similar types of paper mail services;
  • ELECTRONIC ORIGINAL : Provides a true electronic original of the message content, message attachments, and transmission meta-data including the delivery audit trail; and
  • CONSENT : Records consent, as under electronic law the recipient of the electronic transmission must have consented to the use of electronic format as opposed to paper; with a record of the recipient’s consent retained as a reproducible legal record to prove consent if challenged.

(Learn more in the Insights – Legality section of this website.)

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Almost every state in the United States has approved use of Registered Email™ for email with proof of delivery for lien notices replacing certified mail.

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Self Storage Legal Network and Weissman Zucker Euster Morochnik P.C.

Disclaimer: Neither RPost nor its affiliates provide legal opinions. The information on RPost and its affiliates and products websites is for general information purposes only and is not intended to serve as legal advice or to provide any legal opinions. Laws and regulations change from time to time and neither RPost nor its affiliates guarantee that all of the information on RPost and its affiliates websites are current, correct, or with sufficient detail for the purpose of each reader. You should consult your legal counsel for specific jurisiction and issues.
Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.