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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping United States Congress’ Government Accountability Office save your money with efficient oversight.

And we’ve been with them since 2003.

RMail. For Legal. Federal Government.

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Legislative Branch
United States

Primary Use

Registered Email™ e-delivery proof

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We handle all bid protests for all government agencies. In addition to sending Registered Email™ messages, users highly depend on and very much cherish the Registered Receipt™ record that they get back that meets a very big legal requirement that we have for those highly sensitive and confidential messages; so yes, we are big users, and we highly, highly depend on it. Know More: Email Encryption

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Andrea Thomas

Applications, US GAO US Congress Government Accountability Office

Main Benefit

Assurance and proof for intragovernmental communications and bid dispute resolution process communications.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO), an independent and non-partisan government agency that is part of the United States Congress, uses RMail and its Registered Email™ service for evidence of delivery of intragovernmental communications that are critical, as well as for assurance of time-dependent communications related to dispute resolution processes.


Senders have the RMail for Outlook app installed, and when using the Registered Email™ service, the sender receives an automatic analysis of the delivery forensics, cryptographically sealed to the delivery content and timestamp, and packaged as a Registered Receipt™ proof record.

The United States Government Accountability Office is effectively the audit branch of the US Federal Government. We’ve been providing them visibility of e-delivery of important communications to other parts of Congress, Federal Government departments, and to government suppliers along with the auditable proof returned via the Registered Email™ service.

Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.