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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping Tracy-Driscoll & Co. serve its clients faster, empowering staff with the best tech essentials for the business of insurance.

And we’ve been with them since 2018.

RSign. For Finance. Insurance

RSign® & RMail®

Primary Use

RMail email encryption and Registered Email™ services with Registered Receipt™ e-delivery proof for insurance notices and client correspondence.

Watch full video of Rebecca Doyle discuss RMail and RSign with Applied Systems Epic at Optimize!2020.

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We use RMail and RSign as well. There are so many great benefits to those packages. The cost is amazing, and the systems are much easier to use.

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Rebecca Doyle

Manager, Tracy-Driscoll & Co.

Main Benefit

RSign® makes electronic signatures and form fill simpler for insurance forms, claims, and other insurance related documentation; feature-rich plus affordable.

RMail adds Registered Email™ e-delivery proof and simple-to-use HIPAA email encryption privacy compliance to Microsoft Outlook with Applied Systems, with Registered Receipt™ email tracking and e-delivery proof.

Know More: Electronic Signature


RSign automates eSignatures and web forms fill, sign, and backfill, and more. RMail® Registered Encrypted™ email services make privacy for HIPAA compliance simple for senders and recipients and automates email encryption from within the Applied Systems insurance agency management system. RMail® Registered Email™ services provide tracking, proof of delivery, content and timestamp for a variety of mission critical insurance notices for senders that send from within the Applied Systems insurance agency management system. They speed interaction with clients in a secure manner, as well as mitigate issues related to who received what and when, electronically. These services assure privacy compliance, reducing risk. They also cut operating costs, save administrative time, and bring peace-of-mind to staff and clients alike.

Tracy-Driscoll Co. is a leading New England regional insurance company with focus on home, auto, business, and health care insurance.

Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.