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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping Tata Communications ensure you have optimal connections wherever you may find yourself.

And we’ve been with them since 2008.

RMail. For Finance. Telecom Rate Lock.

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Wholesale Trading

Primary Use

Registered Email™ e-delivery proof

Watch full video of Maria Teyssier discuss RMail at Optimize!2020.

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We count on RPost to be able to track the emails we have sent to our customers and there is our rate amendment so it is critical, it is absolutely sensitive information that we need to confirm that the customers have received. These notifications are our bread and butter. If the customers don’t get them, we’re in trouble.

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Maria Teyssier

Maria Teyssier

Pricing Manager, Tata Communications

Main Benefit

Process modernization and improvement related to critical communications with trading partners.

Tata Communications, a leading provider of wholesale international voice connectivity and solutions in the telecom-related business field, needed a reliable and cost-effective way to communicate with its trading partners worldwide. Before using RMail, Tata Communications notified its partners and customers of rate changes via standard email, resulting in occasional disputes with partners or customers who claimed non-delivery of rate changes. After implementing RMail’s easy-to-use, cost-effective and, award-winning Registered Email™ service, Tata Communications’ customers have assurance around timestamped e-delivery and authenticity of rates they receive through email. RMail offered peace of mind for the Tata Communications customer and partner ecosystem through “court admissible” quality evidence in the event of challenges or questions related to delivery of rate information via email.

Know More: Email Encryption


Sending application automatically routes outbound messages of a certain type via SMTP routing to the RMail global processing networks, sending as Registered Email™ messages; and receiving via SMTP and parsing the delivery audit trail forensics, status, and timestamps in the Registered Receipt™ email proof record.

Tata Communications is the world's largest provider of international telecommunications capacity. We've been enhancing their wholesale trading operations by providing them the proof of rate related notifications, relying on the Registered Email™ e-delivery proof to protect in case of claims of missing pricing notifications.

Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.