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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping National Storage Affiliates’ SecurCare Self Storage & iStorage modernize interactions for a better tenant experience.

And we’ve been with them since 2020.

RMail. For Real Estate & Property Management. Self Storage

Real Estate & Property Management
Self Storage
United States

Primary Use

RSign to eSign SecurCare Self Storage & iStorage tenant contracts in-store and remotely; both integrated in the Yardi property and self storage management platform.

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We’ve been very happy with our partnership with RPost RSign and we look forward to continuing that partnership here in the future as we’re tackling a very important part of the business that has become a lot more important here over the last 7 or 8 months.

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Derek Bergeon

Derek Bergeon

SVP of Operations, National Storage Affiliates iStorage and SecureCare Self Storage

Main Benefit

National Storage Affiliates’ SecurCare Self Storage & iStorage uses RSign to automate tenant contract signatures, both for in-store tenant contracting and remote online contracting.

National Storage Affiliates’ SecurCare Self Storage & iStorage report the main benefits of the RSign services as:

  1. eSign Simple Enough that People Actually Enjoy Using. Plus, all the features you will ever need for tenant in-store and remote online property management contracts. RSign® makes eSignatures so simple for all staff and tenants, that it encourages use. More use means more cost savings, administrative time savings, and faster business.
  2. Legal and Auditable Proof. Assurance, confidence, and peace of mind. RSign® makes it easy to view and rely on the Signature Certificate for eSignature tracking, a forensic audit trail, and sent and signed content and timestamp information. A robust record of who signed what when provides confidence that the electronic signature process and record will stand up to scrutiny if ever challenged in the future. Legal Proof®.

Know More: Electronic Signature


National Storage Affiliates’ SecurCare Self Storage & iStorage use RSign, which makes it easy and automated for tenants and staff to electronically fill and eSign tenant agreements and forms.

National Storage Affiliates is focused on growing through the integration of best-in-class regional operators with self storage properties located in markets with strong fundamentals in the top 100 MSAs throughout the United States. NSA’s differentiated strategy was designed to facilitate outperformance over the long-term.

Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.