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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping Coca Cola bring cool refreshments to you wherever you are, with modern distribution efficiencies.

And we’ve been with them since 2011.

RSign. For Finance. Food & Beverage.

Consumer Products
Food & Beverage

Primary Use

RSign® electronic signatures to lock in complex pricing for distribution contracts.

Watch full video of Mark Buchanon discuss RSign at Optimize!2020.

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We’ve been using RSign for a number of years, and it has worked very well in managing back and forth around transactions. Also, we have made use of the monitor in the RSign web portal as part of a regular meeting cadences.

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Mark Buchanan

Mark Buchanan

Procurement Specialist, Coca Cola

Main Benefit

RSign® operates within the business operations, mainly to electronic signature complex distribution pricing agreements. This speeds business and improves accuracy of price confirmations.

RSign® provides feature-rich and affordable, secure eSignature and digital forms automation to staff which reduces time needed to manage the complex distribution pricing processes.

Know More: Electronic Signature


RSign® web interface and API are used to streamline and automate the eSignature process with complex forms. The RSign user experience is customized so that follow-on activities may be triggered from message status, eSignature status, proof of delivery data, and eSign forms data that backfill into the client record.

Coca Cola is one of the world's largest food and beverage companies.

Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.