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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping Allianz Direct protect your business interests with the modern efficiencies you expect from a leader.

And we’ve been with them since 2017.

RMail. For Insurance. Underwriting.

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Property & Casualty Insurance Carrier

Primary Use

Registered Email™ e-delivery proof

Watch full video of Natasja Voorsluijs discuss RMail at Optimize!2020.

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To us, the use of the RMail Registered Email™ service is essential. If the customer says, “I didn’t get it, I didn’t receive it,” we are now the ones that can prove that the customer received the letter.

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Natasja Voorsluijs

Natasja Voorsluijs

MSc Forensic Criminology, Data Analyst, Allianz

Main Benefit

Improving assurance of e-delivery related to critical communications with customers.

Allianz, an international financial services and insurance provider, needed to ensure high level of tracking and proof of e-delivery related to critical client communications. RMail Registered Email™ certified e-delivery proof has helped Allianz achieve this by digitizing certain business email, thereby allowing Allianz improved customer communications while staying compliant with all legal requirements and industry standards to provide timely notification to clients. RMail added an affordable track and trace email communication solution that returns a Registered Receipt™ email delivery tracking and proof record for each message sent. With RMail, it became easier for Allianz to send timely reminders and expiry notifications to its policy holders and claimants, as well as other critical client and partner communications. Allianz was impressed with RMail’s ease-of-use for tracking and proving e-delivery, with encryption and the award-winning Registered Receipt™ e-delivery evidence record. Also, RMail enhances data security for Allianz while maintaining flexibility for use with any PHI and PII.

Know More: Email Encryption


Sending application automatically routes outbound messages of a certain type via SMTP to RMail global processing networks, sending as Registered Email™ messages; and receiving via SMTP the delivery audit trail forensics, status, and timestamps via the Registered Receipt™ email and authentication record.

Allianz is one of the world’s largest insurance carriers. We’ve been enhancing the operations of their Allianz Direct business by providing them the proof of critical client insurance notifications, returning Registered Email™ e-delivery proof to protect in case of claims of non-receipt.

Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.